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Friendliest Cat Breeds: The Top 3

People who like cats almost invariably prefer friendly cats. While there are certainly a few spiteful loners out there who don't mind sharing a house with an aloof tom who keeps a ten-foot distance at all times, most cat owners would prefer a puss who will snuggle, nuzzle, and purr.
If you're seeking a cat that has been bred to cuddle up in your lap or follow you from room to room, any one of these three breeds may be ideal for you. Consider rescuing a mixed-breed or full-blooded cat from these lines if you are seeking a friendly, affectionate pet.
One of the most attention-seeking breeds of cats, Somalis are quick, intelligent, fox-like cats with thick, ruddy coats and fluffy tails. Given the option, Somalis would rather be in your lap than anywhere else in the world--especially, of course, if you're typing, sewing, or doing something else that requires a lack of feline interference.
Somalis are friendly, full of energy, and will gladly involve you in their games. They love to physically express affection by nuzzling, kneeding, and sometimes drooling, and their affectionate tendencies include nighttime snuggling. The Somali is not a good cat breed choice for people seeking calm, low-maintenence cats, but they are perfect for someone who wants to give and receive a lot of affection.
Arguably the friendliest breed of cat, the ragdoll is full of cuddles. It might as well be marketed as a blanket! Unlike the Somali, it is not a particularly energetic breed and will tend to spend its time loafing on the floor or in your lap. Still, its friendliness is unsurpassed if judged by its tendency toward physical affection.
Ragdolls are long-furred, warm cats who attach themselves loyally to specific individuals. They may lazily follow their owners from room-to-room, accepting and giving affectionate snuggles whenever the opportunity is offered. As a breed, the ragdoll is generally impossible to keep out of the family bed, so adopt one only with the foreknowledge that it will likely replace your favorite pillow or teddy-bear.
Unlike the Ragdoll and the Somali, the Abyssinian cat breed is not a lap cat, nor is it particularly drawn toward cuddling. However, the Abyssinian is extremely people-oriented and will bond strongly and fiercely to its owners. Abyssinians are know to follow their companions from room to room, keeping a close eye on all members of a family and offering constant companionship.
Although not a lap cat, the Abyssinian is still unsurpassed in its devotion to its owners. It may be difficult to find inexpensive Abyssinian cats or rescued individuals who are full-blooded, since this friendly cat can be difficult to breed. However, Abyssinian mixes are an equally ideal choice for families seeking an affectionate, loyal feline companion.
All cats are indiduals, and some may defy the standard sets of traits associated with a given breed. As always, carefully choose a cat based on the recommendations of a breeder, paired with your own family's needs, preferences, and desires.

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