Because they have active minds and are acutely intelligent, colorpoints require near-constant stimulation. If kept too confined, they often yowl incessantly and engage in destructive behaviors such as spraying. To prevent these behaviors, give colorpoint shorthairs plenty of acknowlegement and affection and actively engage them in games.
Colorpoints take readily to being walked on leashes with harnesses, and will eagerly stroll around the block a few times on a sunny day. Any cat who is not generally allowed outdoors unsupervised can benefit from this activity, and it tends to soothe the natural curiosity and impulsiveness of this magnificent breed.
A perfect "lap cat", colorpoint shorthairs adore close physical contact with their owners. They will be calmer and much more easy to live with if they are allowed to nap and cuddle next to their human companions. Many owners of colorpoint shorthairs have found that they tend to be equally affectionate with babies, dogs, and other cats.
Colorpoint shorthairs require very little grooming, and their short, low-dander fur makes them hypoallergenic. They require only a very occasional bath and possibly a good brushing on occasion. Fortunately, their fine-bristled fur sheds very little and they do a fine job of grooming themselves routinely.
Compared to other high-personality breeds, colorpoint shorthairs require very little special care. However, they are not lay-about cats in general and do not tend to be content with simply sitting around being bored. Given sufficient attention, colorpoint shorthairs can be a fabulously interactive and enjoyable breed of cat.
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